Thursday, June 2, 2011

American Glamour -- Badgley Mischka

2010 collection
Sale price: $239.00
 Okay! So I've confessed how much of a watch fiend I am...not without reason.  I guess it comes from the importance of time in my life.  Everything revolves around it!  And once it's lost...that's it!  No reclaiming or rearranging!  Time is not only of the essence, it is of the essential.
2010 collection
Style: 1023SVBK
Sale Price: $339.00

I have tremendous respect for time!  I believe, if more people were more conscientious of the concept of time the world would be a more worthwhile place.  What needs to be considered is not just the here and now, but the future.

2010 collection
Style: BA-1003BKOR
Sale price: $239.00
Past time is equally important!  It should never be taken for aids in determining direction, alleviates pain, and with contemplation - illicits corrective measures. But I digress!  My personal philosophy is we all require time, at least in the timepiece form. What's the most common form of jewelry worn by man, woman and child?  A watch!What parent tells their child(ren), Sorry, you're too young for a watch! 

2011 collection
Style: BA-1180
Color: Black/Mother-of-Pearl
Price: $250.00

We learn early on (in pre-school, nonetheless) how to tell time and understand the significance of how to arrange our daily activities around it.  Without time, we'd be lost.  What would we occupy our time with, if it were not for time?  How would we decide the appropriateness of what to wear, eat, or even think if it were not for the time of day?  Sure, way back when a sundial was enough!  Even the stars and planetary alignments assisted us in getting through the day; but that was way before the Industrial Revolution.  I'm sure the indigenous peoples of the world greet watches and anyone associated with them in utter horror.  As if these non-inhabitants were from a time lost, not a future present. 
A dark, dank, dreaded place to avoid at all cost.  Purgatory!

2010 collection
Style: BA-1140
Price: $195.00

I kind of share that sentiment, because that's exactly how I feel when not wearing a watch.  LOST!!!  And the reflex to constantly look down at my wrist for location of time is an exercise in futility.  I just can't help myself!  I'm sorry to say but a cell phone will never replace the necessity of a wristwatch.  PERIOD!!!  


A statement timepiece is the thing graduations, birthdays, and anniversaries are made of!  They're smart, sexy, classy and classic.  Think of what your watch signifies and tells the world about you!

2011 collection
Style: BA-1190
Color: Tortoise/Mother-of-Pearl

2011 collection
Style: BA-1152/3
Color: Gold/Mother-of-Pearl
2011 Collection
Style: BA-1174
Color: Cream/White
But what particularly fascinates me about time is the brilliance and variety of it.  Watches have become a multi-million dollar franchise all on their own with many high-end luxury designers opting to produce timeware that complements their ready-to-wear lines. Just take a gander at the exquisiteness of Badgley Mischka watches, for instance.  A lot has gone into the detail and craftsmanship of these timepieces.  Breathtaking is the least one can say to describe their designs.  These pieces stand lieu of a bracelet.  And that's the point that I especially adore of Badgley Mischka watches.

 2011 collection
Style: BA-1133BKBK

2011 collection
Style: BA-1162MTGB

2011 collection
Style: BA-1174
Color: Rose
Specializing in Old Hollywood-style, Badgley Mischka is the true definition of American glamour.  Established in 2008, their watch collection showcases some of the most awe-inspiring timepieces in the marketplace today.  Considering the extravagance of ornamentation & artistry, the price point is fairly reasonable to high ranging from $150.00 - $495.00. 

Additionally, in collaboration with HSN, Badgley Mischka debuted a boutique line called American Glamour which is no less elegant despite leaning toward the more economical with pricing from $89.00 - $189.00.  Indulge your fix exclusively @ HSN .

American Glamour
Bow Design
Interchangeable strap

American Glamour
Snake Print strap

American Glamour
Crystal Bracelet

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time Future: A Retrospective --Valentino TIMELESS

For a number of years watches have been my thing.  I can recall a year receiving a tax return and purchasing the most expensive piece of timeware I would ever buy.  It was a $500 Valentine watch that I got from Filene's Basement.  And consider, that was markedly discounted from the original retail price.  I can remember the feelings of elation I felt.  YEEEESSSS!!!!  This was not only the finest piece of timeware I owned but it was the most was Valentino for goodness sakes!  I didn't have to contemplate nor did I have any regrets about the buy.  I owned a piece of haute couture and that was all that matter.  Nevertheless, I got a lot of wear out of the watch, it had been an excellent companion on dates and late nights out.  So much so that I broke a cardinal personal rule: NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BORROW YO' SH*T!!!  With this timeless piece of luxury I did the unthinkable!  In my defense, I wanted everyone to feel as glamourous as I did, so I figured why not share the wealth...literally!  Well, share the wealth I did and I ended up getting screwed.  This exquisite piece of time and jewelry was returned to me in disarray, missing a rhinestone and a much warranted apology from the prodigal wearer.  Piss, is the least of what I was feeling.  I never understand the carelessness in which people use and return your most precious effects.  It's been some time (no pun intended) since that incident, but the memory of "deconstructed" perfection has yet to fade away. Can't say the same for the friendship however.  But as it's said, "time heals".  I'm a crafty gal, however I was never able to find just the correct sized pyramid rhinestone to replace the missing.  I continued to wear the watch nonetheless, and surprisingly continued to receive compliments.  As time continued on, I ended up resizing the band because it was always so big for my delicate little bird-like wrist.  Dents to the metal hardware, scratches on the quartz crystal watch face, missing rhinestone and all did not stop my $500 watch wearing flow.  But I had to put a halt to all the stunting because it was causing beaucoup cosmetic damage that would end up being irreparable.  So, I put my extravagant ways to rest along with the watch.  Ultimately, I grew detached from my watch.  I still loved H-E-R, but I was beginning to realize that this had become an obsession as opposed to a daliance, so I decided to permanently put my fixation and timepiece to rest.  I ended up handed it down to one of the very special youth that I worked with.  I figured since she was an up-and-coming young woman of the world, she was going to require all of the outfitting and accessorizing necessary to take it on.

Unfortunately, I failed to take a photo of my once prized possession (UGH!!!).  But, I located an almost exact replica (albeit the color.  The one I muse of had a black face (with the "Valentino" name on top watch dial, clear and jet-black crystals with a black alligator watchband).  Bellissimo!

A fitting tribute to time lost & past without a hankering of sorrow.  The piece featured above is from the 2010/2011 Valentino [Women's] Timeless collection (Fascia Coral Red Dial Brown Alligator; model #: 8751100055).   Retails on for $599.00.